Adding Three Million Dollars to the Bottom Line in Three Months

We first met Charlie when he came to one of Rhiannon’s Business Mastery Courses and on the surface he appeared to have it all.

At just 45 years of age he had built a successful business that was turning over a couple of million a year, and appeared to be happily married with a young family.

But all was not what it seemed.

As the course unfolded, so did Charlie. And beneath his veneer of success we discovered he was close to throwing the towel in with his business because his relationships and family life was pulling him down and he had let go of his health.

Basically, Charlie was in massive overwhelm.

Critical point analysis

In our Business Mastery Courses we use what we call ‘critical point analysis’ as a method to help us identify the point of leverage for each client.

This allows us to identify:

the main thing we can change,
that will cause the most positive impact,
but with the least amount of effort.

For Charlie, although there were a number of things in his life that needed to change, the most immediate issue was reducing his overwhelm. What was his main problem, his biggest fear…what was the ‘critical point’ that was effectively paralysing him?

Charlie’s greatest fear was not being able to provide for his family if he walked away from his business. And yet he realised if he stayed in his business, his health would further suffer, putting him at grave risk of becoming critically ill.
Charlie was, in effect, caught in a double bind and he could see no way out.

A fresh perspective

It was Rhiannon’s ability to look at the problem from a fresh perspective and provide innovative, left-field solutions that provided Charlie with an escape clause…and a welcome release from his double bind.

Rhiannon provided Charlie with a THIRD ALTERNATIVE, an alternative he had not previously considered. She showed Charlie how he could remain in the business and provide for his family by making the time to get healthier than he had ever been before.

Charlie started training, cleaned up his diet and spent time with Rhiannon laughing and finding the ‘joie de vivre’ in his life again.

A newly energised Charlie now had the energy and focus to work with a business coach on growing his business, so he could work on it, rather than in it.
And Charlie also was now ready to commit to relationship counselling to help repair his fractured family relationships.

Success is like a combination lock

“Charlie’s story shows why success is like a combination lock,” says Rhiannon, “because to open a lock you not only need the right numbers…you also need the right order.

“Had we tried to work on Charlie’s business or relationship first, we would not have achieved the same results. Finding the third alternative and working on Charlie’s problems in the correct order was crucial to his success.”

And by working with Rhiannon, Charlie has managed to find success at every level.

Within three months of the Business Mastery Course…
…he was the healthiest he had ever been in his life,
…he embarked on a wonderful new relationship with his family

…and added three million dollars to his bottom line!
Going from a position of massive overwhelm to turning his life around…Charlie just needed help to unlock the combination lock to his success.

Do you need help with unlocking the combination lock to your success? Contact Rhiannon today!

©2024 by Conscious Coaching Collective.